Unboxing Sustainability: The Vital Role of Cardboard Recycling

22 April 2024
 Categories: , Blog


Cardboard is one of the most widely used materials every day. It’s used for packaging, shipping, and even DIY projects. However, its widespread use also generates a large amount of cardboard waste every day. As responsible citizens, it’s our duty to minimize our impact on the environment, and one way we can do that is through cardboard recycling. 

The Environmental Impact of Cardboard Production

The production of cardboard involves cutting down trees, which leads to deforestation and loss of habitat for wildlife. It also requires a significant amount of water and energy, contributing to the depletion of natural resources and increased carbon emissions. Recycling cardboard can reduce the demand for new production and lessen the environmental impact.

Landfill Space

Cardboard makes up a large portion of municipal waste that ends up in landfills. The problem with this is that cardboard is not biodegradable, meaning it can take up to a century to decompose. As landfills continue to reach capacity, recycling becomes even more crucial in reducing the amount of waste that ends up in them.

Energy and Cost Savings

Recycling cardboard also has economic benefits. It reduces the need for raw materials and energy used in production, resulting in cost savings for manufacturers. These cost savings can then be passed on to consumers, making products more affordable. Recycling also saves energy, as producing new cardboard from recycled materials requires significantly less energy than using raw materials.

How You Can Help

The good news is that recycling cardboard is a relatively easy and simple process. Here are a few ways you can contribute to the cause.

  • Flatten and compact cardboard boxes before recycling to save space and reduce the number of trips needed for collection.
  • Look for recycling centers or drop-off locations in your area and use them instead of throwing cardboard in the regular trash bin.
  • Support companies that use recycled materials in their packaging and products.
  • Before recycling, consider reusing cardboard for storage, shipping, or as material for crafts and DIY projects.
  • Educate others on the benefits of cardboard recycling and encourage them to participate.

You can contribute to a more sustainable future by taking these small steps.

Cardboard recycling is not just about reducing waste; it also positively impacts the environment and the economy. You can make a difference by making small changes in your daily habits. By recycling cardboard, you can help conserve natural resources, reduce energy consumption, and lessen our carbon footprint.

Learn more about cardboard recycling from a business near you like Mid America Paper Recycling Co.